Cape Kachese, Lake Tanganyika, Zambia
Cape Kachese, Lake Tanganyika, Zambia
Altolamprologus calvus 'Cape Kachese'
Altolamprologus compressiceps 'Cape Kachese'
Altolamprologus sp. 'compressiceps shell' Cape Kachese
Asprotilapia leptura 'Cape Kachese'
Xenotilapia leptura 'Cape Kachese'
Chalinochromis brichardi 'Cape Kachese'
Cunningtonia longiventralis 'Cape Kachese'
Cyathopharynx sp. 'neon streak' Cape Kachese
Cyathopharynx foae 'Cape Kachese'
Cyprichromis sp. 'leptosoma jumbo' Cape Kachese
Haplotaxodon trifasciatus 'Cape Kachese'
Jabarichromis pfefferi 'Cape Kachese'
'Gnathochromis' pfefferi 'Cape Kachese'
Julidochromis cf. regani 'Cape Kachese'
Julidochromis dickfeldi 'Cape Kachese'
Lamprologus sp. 'ornatipinnis zambia' Cape Kachese
Lepidiolamprologus elongatus 'Cape Kachese'
Neolamprologus brichardi 'Cape Kachese'
Neolamprologus buescheri 'Cape Kachese'
Neolamprologus fasciatus 'Cape Kachese'
Altolamprologus fasciatus 'Cape Kachese'
Neolamprologus mustax 'Cape Kachese'
Neolamprologus obscurus 'Cape Kachese'
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus 'Cape Kachese'
Neolamprologus tetracanthus 'Cape Kachese'
Ophthalmotilapia cf. nasuta 'Cape Kachese'
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis 'Cape Kachese'
Petrochromis polyodon 'Cape Kachese'
Telmatochromis sp. 'temporalis shell' Cape Kachese
Triglachromis otostigma 'Cape Kachese'
Tropheus sp. 'red' Cape Kachese (Kushangaza)
Golden Kazumba (Kushangaza)
Tropheus sp. 'red' Cape Kachese
Golden Kazumba
Tropheus sp. 'red' Cape Kachese
Xenotilapia boulengeri 'Cape Kachese'
Xenotilapia spilopterus 'Cape Kachese'
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